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Improve your non-profit organization’s ability to advance evidence-based public policy solutions, with a focus on social policy.

Designed for non-profit policy leaders, this six-month program will offer you the tools and connections you need to strengthen your organization’s effectiveness in the public policy process.

View MPS alumni. Read their testimonials.

What does Maytree Policy School offer?

In this participatory learning environment, you will:

Learn from peers and public policy leaders in the non-profit sector, public service, think-tanks, and politics;
Sharpen your skills in influencing public policy; and
Access expertise to support the development of a policy strategy for your organization.

What topics will be covered?

The curriculum will explore the following themes:

How government works and how to work with government
Understanding systemic influences on policy work
Building your case using data and evidence
Identifying and informing relevant groups and decision makers
Evaluating for change
Developing strategic communications
Implementing strategies
…and more

When does it take place?

Maytree Policy School 2025 will run from January to June 2025, with sessions taking place virtually and in person.

Applications are due: October 21, 2024

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