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Posted by Ovation! Performing Arts

Ovation! Performing Arts is searching for GREAT people to teach classes in acting, comedy, dance, voice and musical theatre.

We’re looking for people that are creative and dynamic; capable and dependable; organized and prepared; punctual; positive and  enthusiastic; engaged in the full learning and teaching process of young performers; a personable team player.

Your responsibilities – teaching, including choosing/procuring appropriate materials for your classes (music, songs, scenes, plays, etc as needed) and all required preparation time and follow-up/reporting associated with teaching each class; assisting in the planning/production of your class(s) material for two or three public performances; participating in marketing/promotional events, and all studio-related public performances; creating written progress reports at season’s end for each student in your classes.

Please email your teaching resume to Chris Madsen at

Qualifications: • College/University degree in one of:  Drama, Voice/Music, Music Theatre, Dance • Minimum 3 years experience teaching performing arts • If applying to teach Voice or Musical Theatre, you must be able to play piano or guitar well enough to lead vocal warm-ups, teach notes, work through sheet music.  You can either play accompaniment or you can create/access accompaniment tracks as needed.  For Musical Theatre we’re looking for people who can teach all 3 aspects of voice, character/acting, movement/choreo.  (A choreographer can also be brought in for some classes/components as needed too.)

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