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Posted by Sara Porter Productions

“TADA!” – How to Talk & Dance at the Same Time

Masterclass _ with Sara Porter

October 19-20th_Saturday 3-6pm, Sunday 2-5pm_IGAC Studio, 180 Shaw St, #103_ Cost is $200

This technical master class facilitates – and extends – a performer’s capacity to creatively integrate speaking and dancing in performance.

This 2-session professional opportunity provides specific techniques in vocal preparation, text analysis, movement improvisation, musicality and clown to help dancers get the most out of their text and movement materials. This technical master class is geared towards professional dancers and performers. Devised and delivered by Sara Porter, with Jessie Garon, the sessions will facilitate and extend your capacity to creatively integrate speaking and dancing in performance.  

Bring a monologue, poem, or text you have partially or completely memorized. You’ll explore your text through breath, movement, image, physical action and music to explore all elements of performance. Working with a range of possible texts – poetry (metered, unmetered, etc), personal monologue, lists, singing, stream of consciousness (improvised), story and more – participants will explore rhythm, dynamics, sound shapes, sensory feedback, imagery, sensuality, humour and surprise, to massage and manipulate language / sounds to expand the creative potential of a script through information gleaned by moving with it.

  • Bring a short piece of (semi) memorized text   

Sara Porter has been performing and touring her unique dancing + talking solos for a decade on subjects including mathematics, memoir, parenting, fruit, Greek philosophy, and poetry. With a background in music, dance, voice, improvisation, sport and theatre, Sara offers support to performing artists aiming to extend their skills and get the most out of their material. 

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