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Posted by Storytelling Toronto

For more information on how to register, visit our website:

Anansi Spins His Web with Kesha Christie

Course Description: What do you know of Anansi, the Spider?  Come and discover more about this clever/foolish African folk hero—his many names, his origins and his influence in today’s world. With Kesha, you will learn about Anansi through group discussion, but mainly by telling and listening to his wonderful stories.

This 4 session course will be held online during the following dates and times:

Wednesday, October 16 | 7:00-9pm

Wednesday, October 23 | 7:00-9pm

Wednesday, October 30 | 7:00-9pm

Wednesday, November 6 | 7:00-9pm

Registration closes Friday, October 11th at 5 pm

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