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TAPA is partnering with The AFC to introduce Mental Health First Aid training for our members. We’re beginning with Executive Directors and Senior Managers to equip them with the skills to better support their teams.

Mental health first aid (MHFA) is the crucial support provided to people navigating mental health crises or challenges. Just like a first aid/CPR course teaches us what to do in a cardiac emergency, MHFA gives us the tools and knowledge to help us identify common signs of distress and offer immediate aid until professional assistance is accessible.

The AFC is working towards a time when there is someone who is trained in mental health first aid at every set, stage, venue, and workplace in our sector. Understanding the signs and symptoms of a mental health emergency and knowing how to help can be vital in many life and work situations.

The MHFA Training Course was developed by Opening Minds/Mental Health Commission of Canada.

Course details:
– Self-guided module to be completed beforehand (2 hours approximately)
– Live classroom training: Monday, October 21st 12:30 – 4:30 pm and 9 am – 1 pm on Tuesday October 22nd pm (ET)
– Delivered on Zoom
– Fee: $125/person
– Registration closes October 7, 2024

** The AFC gratefully acknowledges the support of the J & W Murphy Foundation for their Mental Health First Aid Training initiatives**



Monday, October 21, 12:30 – 4:30 pm and Tuesday, October 22, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (ET)
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