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Joanna Yu Headshot

Toronto-based set and costume designer Joanna Yu is the recipient of the 2017 Pauline McGibbon Award. She was presented the award today by Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, at the Dora Mavor Moore Awards news conference. This award is named for former Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon, in honour of her support and patronage of the arts.

“Joanna has a passionate vision and unique design aesthetic,” noted the jury. “At the same time, she is deeply sensitive to her colleagues’ needs and the importance of collaboration. This combination allows her to holistically enhance every project she works on.”

About Joanna Yu

  • Joanna holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Theatre Design and Production from York University.
  • She has designed costumes and sets for a variety of performing arts organizations across Ontario. She has also served as an assistant designer at the Stratford Festival (four seasons), the Canadian Opera Company (two seasons), Soulpepper and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.
  • Joanna is a guest artist/designer at several college- and university-level theatre programs, as well as a guest lecturer at York University.
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