Matt McGeachy is the Manager of Government Relations at Toronto Symphony Orchestra and was previously Company Dramaturge at Factory Theatre, where he led the new work development program.
He has worked with theatre artists such as Carmen Aguirre, Rachel Blair, Yolanda Bonnell, Ronnie Burkett, Jeff Ho, Carson Kreitzer, Martyna Majok, Kat Sandler, Priscila Uppal, Colleen Wagner, and David Yee, among others, and has worked with such theatres as the Guthrie Theater, The Playwrights Center, and Workhaus Collective (Minneapolis, MN); Canadian Stage, York University, SummerWorks (Toronto); and from 2011-2014 was assistant director of the Kennedy Center’s New Play Dramaturgy Intensive under Mark Bly (Washington, D.C.).
He has taught and led workshops on new play writing and dramaturgy at the University of Toronto, Humber College, Brock University, and Theatre Ontario. He is a member of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) and Treasurer of LMDA Canada.