Money Matters is the financial literacy workshop series as part of the TAPA Trade Series B (Business) Stream.
Please keep reading below for a schedule of the financial workshop offerings in this series for artists and artsworkers.
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2023
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Registration: Pay-What-You-Can
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Facilitator: CRA Outreach
Did you know that GST/HST applies differently to Charities and NPOs?
Have you ever wondered if you have incorrectly accounted for GST/HST?
If you would like to learn more about these issues you should attend CRA’s GST/HST Presentation. You will hear directly from CRA’s GST/HST Headquarters employee who has 30+ years experience working in GST/HST Programs. The Presentation will include information about revenue sources that attract GST/HST and those that do not. We will review the fundamentals for both types of entities, to help you ensure that your organization is correctly accounting for GST/HST.
- Recognize key GST/HST differences between Charities and NPOs
- Know how to correctly charge GST/HST
- Identify and reduce common GST/HST mistakes
- Definitions
- Taxable Supplies
- Exempt Supplies
This Presentation is designed for both Charities and NPOs. It is intended for all individuals who may be involved with the entity’s GST/HST. The information will benefit individuals who represent organizations which are already GST/HST registered, those which are not, but should be, and for those considering voluntarily registering. And it will be of assistance for entities that may become GST/HST registered in the future. You will hear about how to avoid some of the common mistakes such as failing to properly charge and collect GST/HST correctly.
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Registration: Pay-What-You-Can
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Facilitator: CRA Outreach
Do you want to know more about GST/HST on your admissions?
Did you know that there is an Election to allow someone other than you to account for the GST/HST in some situations?
If you would like to learn more about these issues you should attend CRA’s GST/HST Presentation. You will hear directly from CRA’s GST/HST Headquarters employee who has 30+ years experience working in GST/HST programs. The Presentation will review some of the publicly available information on these issues, as well as provide you with some insight and tips.
- Know Types of Admissions
- Recognize When Different Rules Apply
- Understand Agency and Impacts on Tax Obligations
- Definitions
- Admissions to Places of Amusement
- Agency
- Election For Agent to Account for Tax
- Obligations and Liability for You and Agent
This Presentation is designed for both Charities and Non-profit Organizations. The information is intended for individuals who may be responsible for the organization’s GST/HST including record-keeping and those who serve as a Director or other management position. You will learn about when certain admissions are GST/HST taxable, and if you can elect to have someone other than your organization account for the GST/HST. And we will review liability for GST/HST under such agency relationships.
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Registration: Pay-What-You-Can
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Facilitator: CRA Outreach
Do you want to know more about GST/HST audits and examinations?
Would you like to hear about record-keeping for GST/HST?
If you would like to learn more about these issues you should attend CRA’s GST/HST Presentation on “GST/HST Audits & Examinations and Books & Records”. You will hear directly from CRA’s GST/HST Headquarters Representative who has 30+ years experience working in CRA’s GST/HST programs.
- Introduce GST/HST pre and post assessment processes
- Learn what to expect
- Understand books and records for GST/HST
- Contact
- Responsibilities during audits
- Record-keeping legislative provisions
This Presentation is designed for various types of organizations and sectors. It is intended for individuals within your organization who may deal directly with CRA on GST/HST issues and for all Board members. You will hear about CRA’s overall Compliance processes, including both GST/HST Audits and GST/HST Examinations. The Presentation will review what to expect during a GST/HST Audit or Examination. And you will be introduced to the GST/HST rules for record-keeping.
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am (PREVIOUSLY 11:00 AM)
Registration: Pay-What-You-Can
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Facilitator: CRA Outreach
Did you know that Directors can be held personally liable for the GST/HST debts of an organization?
Are you aware of your Taxpayer Rights?
If you would like to learn more about these topics, you should attend Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA’s) GST/HST Presentation on “GST/HST Directors’ Liability and Taxpayer Rights”. You will hear directly from CRA’s GST/HST Headquarters Representative who has 30+ years experience working in CRA’s GST/HST programs.
- Learn about your responsibilities as Director
- Hear about personal liability potential
- Understand your options
- Review your rights
- Directors’ Liability Provisions for GST/HST
- Due Diligence
- 16 CRA Taxpayer Rights
This Presentation is designed for various types of organizations and sectors. It is intended for individuals within your organization who may deal directly with CRA on GST/HST issues, and for any Directors and Board Members. You will hear about the GST/HST rules that can hold Directors and others personally liable for the organization’s GST/HST arrears, steps to help defend against such risks. Plus, we will review Your Rights as a Taxpayer provisions.