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Many grant writers’ schedules are booking up now for Winter and Spring grant deadlines in 2025.

Grant writers may also not be financially accessible for the individual artist.

As grant season begins for 2025, Victoria Urquhart offers 2 classes at The Dirt Underneath to help arm artists with some tools to navigate Canada’s funding networks.

1. Grant Writing 101: Introduction Class

Have a GREAT project in mind, but unsure where to get the funding to get it off the ground?
Drawing from the last ten years of grant writing and more than 15 different granting streams and bodies, Victoria will share how to speak the hidden languages of corporate, government and math to fund and make the art we love.

This course largely uses examples from: Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council, but teaches skills that apply across to multiple platforms and mediums, including Theatre, Film, Mixed Media, Literature, Visual Arts, Music, Communal Arts and Disability Arts.

Artists are encouraged to bring projects that they are currently planning on submitting for their next grant deadline, or can use this time to brainstorm and test a “mock-version” of a project to develop their pitching-skills.

For Introduction Class dates: click here.

Cost: $175 HST exempt (early-bird rate $150 = 2 weeks before 1st class)

  • This workshop will be limited to 8-10 participants. Sign-up will be first come, first serve.
  • More questions? Please email

To register click here.

2. Perfect Pitch Series: Perfecting your Grant Proposal Budget

These classes are focused on troubleshooting and perfecting the key elements of your next grant or project pitch.

Class Breakdown:

Artists are frequently told that we are bad at math. The truth is: Budgets have more to do with spatial sense, than actual math itself. This course is great for anyone who has felt intimidated by the numbers game in the arts.

Day 1 (2h): How we really speak MATH

Day 2 (2h): Mock-Trials: You are the granting jury!

Day 3 (2h): How the pitch-budget changes, once you get it

Each day operates with breaks.

Over the 6 hours of class time (3 x 2 hour sessions) students will break down the grant-budget-basics to create their own mock-budget and move through the jury process for assessment, in preparation for the real deal.

You do not have to be working on a grant, in order to make use of this time.
It is recommended that you take the Grant Writing 101 Introduction Class as a prerequisite, or have written at least two grants, prior to taking this class.

For further questions, contact

For Perfect Pitch dates: click here.

Cost: $175 HST exempt (early-bird rate $150 = 2 weeks before 1st class)

  • This workshop will be limited to 8-10 participants. Sign-up will be first come, first serve.
  • More questions? Please email

To register click here.

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